The Reason People Are Not Aware Of Bad Breath

bad breath–If we look closely, there are some people who experience bad breath problems when talking to us. However, they don't seem to know if they have bad breath problems so they can easily continue to chat with other people. Actually, what is the cause of this?

Kumaladewi, a retainer from a company that produces health and beauty products in the country, said that those who have bad breath problems tend to be unaware that their mouths smell bad. This is because they are used to bad breath so they can no longer distinguish whether there is something wrong with the condition of their mouth or not. This is actually similar to the problem experienced by owners of body odor problems who also tend to be unaware that they have this problem even though other people can feel it.

So, can the owner of bad breath only realize the problem of bad breath if someone else tells him? Health experts say that to find out whether we have bad breath problems or not, we can lick our wrists. After that, let stand a moment and smell the scent of the former lick. If the smell in this lick is really strong, it's a good idea to find a solution to deal with it effectively.

Not only brushing your teeth after eating and before going to bed, it's also a good idea to rinse your mouth with mouthwash to overcome this bad breath problem. By using a mouthwash, we can clean the entire area of ​​​​the mouth, including between the gums and teeth from various bacteria that trigger bad breath problems. Gargle twice a day with a gargling duration of about 30 seconds so that various bacteria that cause bad breath can be destroyed and our mouths will have a fresh smell again.

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